Sweetwater Amateur Radio Club


Green River Basin Net – 2 Meter

When: Every Sunday Night at 7:30 P.M. Mountain Time
Where: 146.940 Repeater, Offset -0.6 MHz, Tone 100.0

Sweetwater Amateur Radio Club Meeting

When: Second Tuesday of the Month at 6:30 P.M. Mountain Time
Where: Sweetwater County Justice Center, Rock Springs, WY or Green River (Fire Station), Green River WY


Frequency: 146.940 MHz
Offset: -0.6 MHz
Tone: 100.0
Mode: FM
Location: Aspen Mountain, Sweetwater County, Wyoming


Frequency: 146.655 MHz
Offset: -0.6 MHz
Mode: FM DSTAR Fusion
Location: Aspen Mountain, Sweetwater County, Wyoming


Frequency: 447.1125 MHz
Offset: -5.0 MHz
Tone: CC11
Mode: DMR
Location: Wilkin’s Peak, Sweetwater County, Wyoming


Frequency: 146.610 MHz
Offset: -0.6 MHz
Tone: 100.0
Mode: FM
Location: Aspen Mountain, Sweetwater County, Wyoming


Frequency: 444.500 MHz
Offset: +0.5 MHz
Tone: 123.0
Mode: FM
Location: Wilkin’s Peak, Sweetwater County, Wyoming

President: Zach Gunyan, KE7WYG

Vice President: John Aaron, KE7GPK

Secretary: Doris Haskell, KB7HEQ

Treasurer: Lois Ramirez

To listen to our local repeater, click on play below

Upcoming Events

Amateur Radio

Folks wishing to get involved with Amateur Radio shouldn’t be afraid, however find that they are truly passionate about wanting to learn more about the hobby. It has been a well known statement that having an Amateur Radio License is a license to learn.

Amateur Radio Operators are individuals that have been licensed with the FCC to operate on specific Radio Frequencies. The term Amateur in this title means that no operator shall be paid for their services rather we are all volunteers.

To get started, come to the next in person meeting. Showing up to meetings is beneficials for multiple reasons, first of which is to see if there are any trainings that can help you through the certifications. Being at the meeting will not only show that you are an active member, but will allow others to see your capabilities so they know who to call upon in the event of an emergency.

Short answer is yes. To operate under the Armature Radio Frequencies, you do need to have an Amateur Radio License. This is obtained by passing a test, there are few different licensing levels, first level being a technician license. Each license class authorizes the operator to have more privileges. Under the FCC Rules 47 C.F.R, Part 97, you can find the full details.


The Wyoming Digital Amateur Radio Network is a working partnership with Amateur Radio Operators, & Radio Monitoring Enthusiasts Worldwide to enhance, expand and improve the hobby of Amateur Radio. Our goal is to create and maintain positive relations & friendships with hams everywhere, while having fun with Digital Communications and providing emergency communications to our community in Southwestern Wyoming.

           -WyDARN founder, Steve Rizzi, KE7UUJ

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