Sweetwater Amateur Radio Club
Green River Basin Net – 2 Meter
When: Every Sunday Night at 7:30 P.M. Mountain Time
Where: 146.940 Repeater, Offset -0.6 MHz, Tone 100.0
Sweetwater Amateur Radio Club Meeting
When: Second Tuesday of the Month at 6:30 P.M. Mountain Time
Where: Sweetwater County Justice Center, Rock Springs, WY or Green River (Fire Station), Green River WY
Frequency: 146.940 MHz
Offset: -0.6 MHz
Tone: 100.0
Mode: FM
Location: Aspen Mountain, Sweetwater County, Wyoming
Frequency: 146.655 MHz
Offset: -0.6 MHz
Mode: FM DSTAR Fusion
Location: Aspen Mountain, Sweetwater County, Wyoming
Frequency: 447.1125 MHz
Offset: -5.0 MHz
Tone: CC11
Mode: DMR
Location: Wilkin’s Peak, Sweetwater County, Wyoming
Frequency: 146.610 MHz
Offset: -0.6 MHz
Tone: 100.0
Mode: FM
Location: Aspen Mountain, Sweetwater County, Wyoming
Frequency: 444.500 MHz
Offset: +0.5 MHz
Tone: 123.0
Mode: FM
Location: Wilkin’s Peak, Sweetwater County, Wyoming
Club Officers
President: Zach Gunyan, KE7WYG
Vice President: John Aaron, KE7GPK
Secretary: Doris Haskell, KB7HEQ
Treasurer: Lois Ramirez

2025_03_11 – SARC Meeting
Attachments: Agenda March 11, 2025Meeting Agenda Location:Sweetwater County Justice Center,50140 US Highway 191 South,Rock Springs, WY 82901

2025_02_11_SARC Meeting
Attachments Location: February 11, 2025 6:30 P.M. Mountain TimeGreen River Fire Station500 Shoshone AveGreen River, WY 82935 Agenda
To listen to our local repeater, click on play below
Upcoming Events

2024_10_05_SARC – SET
October 5th, 2024 Simulated Emergency Test (SET) Event Point of Contact: Ron Bruderer, N7ERH Location: Young at Heart Senior Center, Rock Springs, WY 82901 When: October 5th 9:00am to 12:00pm Objective: To showcase capabilities and make contacts from around the State of Wyoming and beyond. Details: Frequencies Utilized:
Amateur Radio
Folks wishing to get involved with Amateur Radio shouldn’t be afraid, however find that they are truly passionate about wanting to learn more about the hobby. It has been a well known statement that having an Amateur Radio License is a license to learn.
2025_03_11 – SARC Meeting
Attachments: Agenda March 11, 2025Meeting Agenda Location:Sweetwater County Justice Center,50140…
2025_02_11_SARC Meeting
Attachments Location: February 11, 2025 6:30 P.M. Mountain TimeGreen River…
2025_01_28_SARC Special Meeting
Meeting Attachments: Locations Sweetwater County Justice Center,50140 US Highway 191…